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Cahiers Caribeens d'Egyptologie n°24/25 (2020)

Cahiers Caribeens d'Egyptologie n°24/25 (2020)


This book is made up of nineteen articles whose summary or introduction figures below and is available for sale for an amount of 34.00 euros (Shipping Included)

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Editorial Le numéro anniversaire des 20 ans des Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie se veut tout d'abord un vibrant hommage au créateur et rédacteur en chef de la revue, Alain Anselin, disparu trop tôt, le 16 mai 2019, pour rejoindre l'autre rive ...

point Oum Ndigi : "Le concept égypto-panafricain de Maât alias Maa dans la gouvernance du monde actuel" (hommage à Alain Anselin)

Rien n'est plus pénible et regrettable que de devoir faire pour un triste et malheureux événement ce que l'on avait prévu de faire pour célébrer une performance réjouissante et un parcours triomphant. C'est exactement notre cas avec cette étude, initialement prévue comme contribution au numéro double 24/25 qui devait être consacré à la célébration des 20 ans des Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie ainsi que nous l'avait demandé Alain Anselin dans une correspondance datée du 6 décembre 2018, qui doit maintenant servir à rendre un hommage posthume au fondateur et rédacteur en chef de cette célèbre revue spécialisée ...

point Mohamed Gamal Rashed & Mostafa A. Shalaby : "The stela of « the Greatest of the Seers in the Temple of Ra » Si-Inher (CG 34056)"

A publication of a Ramesside stela of "The Greatest of the Seers in the Temple of Ra" named Si-Inher from Abydos. The stela is of the Ramesside stela style and dates to the region of Ramses VII. It consists of two registers depicting the owner receiving offerings in the top, while his wife is seated and receives offerings from four of their children in the bottom ...

point Mohamed El Sayed : "The Religious concept and significance of Uniting with the sun disc applied to the Texts and views of Dendera"

Uniting with the sun disc was one of the most important ceremonies which was occurred in the roof Kiosk at Dendera temple. The place of the feast had two main names. The first one is st mAA itn which means "the place of seeing the sun disc". The second one is st Hb tpy which means "the place of the first feat". Now is known as "the roof Kiosk of Hathor" ...

point Ayman Waziry : "An Unpublished Fragment of Papyrus Concerning A pledge"

This study focuses on a fragment of papyrus concerning a pledge, published for the first time; the residue of this papyrus is preserved in the museum store of Tell-Basta under the registration number 1125. The shape of this fragment is of unequal sides; the material of writing is ink. It is written in one of four scripts of ancient Egyptian language, which is probably a demotic script, consisting of nine thick lines were transcribed in a horizontal way. By studying and researching, some questions and difficulties arose and therefore needed to be adressed ...

point Nissire Sarr : "Le ka du roi façonné par le dieu Khnoum"

Cette scène reproduit les conditions dans lesquelles le ka de l'enfant royal doit être formé. Le dieu Amon en charge au divin potier, Khnoum, qui façonne au tour un enfant et en même temps apparaît une figure à qui on tend au niveau du nez le signe de vie anx. Il s'agit du ka de l'enfant. Khnoum, "figuré sous forme d'un homme à tête de bélier à double encornure", achève l'oeuvre de création ...

point Ahmed Masshout Keshka : "Pregnancy and Birth through the texts of Esna temple"

One of the most common iconographies of the creator god, Khnum, that displayed him as a ram-headed god seated before a potter's wheel and models the divine child. As such he bears many epithets reflecting this action as nb nHp "lord of the potter's wheel", nHp nHpw "creator of the creators", nHp iqr Dbaw "the creator, excellent of fingers" and nHp Hr nbw Hr nHpw.f "who created the people upon his potter's wheel". This approach has sought to gather and evaluate comprehensive texts relating to the different stages of the childbirth cycle beginning from the vital force which Khnum gives to enhance the sexual performance of the two couples passing to fashion the baby's limbs in the womb without a birth defect reaching to the physical challenges where the cervix is dilated to deliver the baby and placenta. Khnum of Esna is also regarded as a patron deity who guards and ordains the destiny of the child at birth ...

point Sandro Capo Chichi : "On the possible Nubian origin of a Hausa word for a kind of sheep."

The pupose of this study is to suggest new etymologies for the Hausa word PáràPárà. This word refers to the male of long-legged breeds of sheep and by extension, to these breeds as a whole. Here, I will suggest that this word may ultimately be a loan from Midob, a Nubian language spoken in the Darfur region of Sudan. My alternative proposal is that it the word is derived from an interjection to call sheep ...

point Alain Anselin : "Les catégories de canidés dans l’écriture hiéroglyphique, leur vocabulaire et leurs graphies"

Dès le prédynastique, l'iconographie rupestre et celle des artéfacts - étiquettes, céramiques - distingue deux types de canidés : les jackal "loup-chacals" et les "chiens", Hound, les premiers la queue tombante, les seconds, relevée. Ils prennent place dans le bestiaire royal, l'un comme emblème royal et l'autre comme commensal de la domestication de l'univers versus le contrôle du chaos. L'écriture des hiéroglyphes va puiser le dessin de deux de ses idéogrammes dans l'iconographie des canidés du IVème millénaire BC ...

point Stan Hendrickx : "Mea culpa after 40 years, a mutilated body in grave 77 of the Naqada III cemetery at Elkab"

In 1977, I went for the first time to Elkab to continue the excavation of a Naqada III cemetery, discovered a few years earlier by Pierre Vermeesch while escavating Epipalaeolithic sites. In 1978-1979 the excavation of the Naqada III cemetery was continued and finished. Because of an erroneous interpretation I made back then, I will reconsider in this contribution one of the tombs excavated during the second season ...

point Frank Monnier : "L’obélisque géant décrit sur le papyrus Anastasi I. Révision du problème"

Le premier papyrus d'un lot acquis en 1839 par le consul suédois Anastasi, celui dit "Anastasi I" et conservé au British Museum sous la référence pBM 10247, a fait l'objet de plusieurs traductions et de nombreux commentaires. En 1911, bien que n'étant pas le premier à s'être attelé à cette tâche, Alan H. Gardiner en offre une analyse magistrale, jusqu'à ce qu'en 1986, Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert en propose une révision complète. Cette dernière demeure aujourd'hui encore la plus actuelle ...

point Nadine Guilhou : "L’astronomie égyptienne : savoirs et domaines d’application"

Nous parlerons ici, au sujet de l'astronomie égyptienne, de savoirs et de connaissances, plus que de "science", ce terme ayant acquis, au fil du temps, un sens plus étroit. Ces savoirs sont ceux de lettrés, faisant partie du cercle du pouvoir. Ils les ont développés et transmis au sein du temple, lieu de réflexion et d'échanges, comparable aux scriptoria de notre Moyen Age occidental ...

point Karine Gadré : "De l’ArchéoAstronomie Egyptienne au PhotoGraphisme numérique. Décodage et encodage de l’information au moyen d’algorithmes appropriés"

Hommage à Alain Anselin : Notre ami Alain aimait décoder l’écriture hiéroglyphique, saisir toute les subtilités d’un texte et en restituer pleinement le contexte. Fort de ses multiples expériences, de ses innombrables rencontres, de ses fructueuses collaborations, il truffait chacune de ses publications, chacune de ses interventions, de références à celles et ceux qu’il appréciait, dont il soutenait le travail, la démarche, l’engagement. Il encodait ses articles, ses ouvrages, de toute son amitié pour celles et ceux qu’il estimait et qui l’entouraient. De décodage et d’encodage de l’information, il est précisément question au sein de cet article qui lui est dédié. Read more ...

point Augustin F.C Holl : "Late pleistocene Hardship Mortuary evidence from Wadi Kubbaniya and Jebel Sahaba"

The thesis of this paper is that "mortuary practises" encoded in elaborate mortuary programs that include the handling of the deceased bodies and their inhumation in their final resting place in a certain sense recapitulate their lives and as such, can be read as their "curriculum vitae". The contribution thus sets out to explore and bring to light pieces of social singularities fossilized in the archaeological record of two sites located in the Nile Valley ...

point Jean-Philippe Gourdine et al : "Ancient Egyptian Genomes from northern Egypt : Further discussion and critical considerations"

Schuenemann et al (2017) suggest that Egypt is an "isthmus" which in its ancient period was essentially solely peopled from Eurasia, and that a "sub-Saharan" ancestral element found in living Egyptians entered the population during post Roman times due to a slave trade. Their conclusion is based on an analysis and interpretation of a sample constucted by combining ancient mitochondrial DNA genomes from distinct areas dating from the middle of the New Kingdom through Roman eras, and three genome wide data sets; two from the Third Intermediate Period and one from the Ptolemaic period. All were from one northern Egyptian site (Abusir-el Meleq). We present a critical discussion of Schuenemann et al's approach and conclusions ...

point Shomarka Keita : "A Preliminary Review of Brace et al’s (1993) Craniometric Analysis of Egyptian Samples"

Brace et al (1993) reviewed some literature on Egyptian origins and performed a craniometric analysis of phonetic affinity in order to get some "anatomical" precision on a question related to Egyptian origins. Their comparative material included various European, SW Asian and African series other than Egyptians. The piece was published in the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology. In part their paper was a response to various writers who were interested in the Africanity of ancient Egypt and its people, and who usually wrote in terms of the received racial schema modulated by the current US social definitions of "race" something that seems to have been lost in the discussions ...

point Solange Ashby : "From Slave to Demon : Barya in the Ethiopian Prayer Scrolls"

Ethiopian Christians continue to use prayer scrolls as a form of protection against diseases believed to result from the negative actions of demons. The scrolls are written in the ancient liturgical language of the Ethiopian Coptic Church, Ge'ez, also known as Ethiopie ...

point Rehab Assem : "The Form Kamutef ‘"

Kamutef is a divine epithet meaning "bull of his mother", which was used from the New Kingdom onwards to refer to the combined ithyphallic form of Amun and Min. By the time of the New Kingdom, Min was equated with Amun, especially with the primordial creative aspect of the latter deity ...

point Abdel Baset Ali Abdel Fattah Saad, Lecturer, Fayoum University, Egypt : "An Unpublished Portrait head from Kiman El-Fawaris, Egypt"

The paper is concerned about a portrait head of a man, discovered in Kimam El-Fawaris which located nearly 17 km to the south-west of Taposiris Magna. The head is currently housed in the storeroom of the site of Marina El-Alamain, Matrouh governorate. It is made of white marble; its height is 0.25 m. The face is square, highly polished. It indicates a man in the fourtth decade of his age ...

point Dominique M'Fouilou : "Chronique des Cahiers Caribéens d’Egyptologie"

Pour le monde scientifique de l'égyptologie, l'année 2019 est marquée par une grande tragédie, une grande perte. C'est la mort d'un savant hors du commun, d'un universitaire éminent. Alain Anselin, décédé le 16 mai 2019, a été brutalement enlevé à notre affection et à notre admiration. Créateur des Cahiers Carbéens d'Egyptologie, ce n°24/25 qu'il a préparé, avec l'aide de ses collaborateurs, paraîtra en 2020 comme il l'avait envisagé. Il rappelle aux lecteurs son engagement et son action considérable dans le domaine scientifique de l'Egyptologie ...

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