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Both the Sky and the ancient Egyptian civilization fascinate
- for their beauty, their eternity, even their infinity,
and because both of them shed light on our distant past.
The study of the Sky of ancient Egypt thus arouses a certain interest,
that the journalists like to frequently relay to various publics.

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Below is a list of documents in text, audio and video formats produced by the Culture Diff' company in collaboration with various publishing, production and distribution companies, cultural associations and research institutes. Most of these documents are available for reading, listening or free download:

point June 28, 2024: Interview by Karim Benaouda, editor-in-chief of Journal d'ici - Tarn et Lauragais, ahead of the opening of the « Regards de Photographes » exhibition organized by the City of Revel, Occitania, southern France, from June 29 to July 14, 2024. The full interview is available here.
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point 21 March 2023 : Interview conducted by Nastasia Haftman, journalist, for the needs of a documentary dedicated to the pyramids of the Giza plateau and their relationship to the sky. This documentary entitled « Pharaohs: how they unlocked the mystery of the stars » and produced by the company Label News has been broadcasted on September 18, 2023 on the channel RMC Story (channel 23 of the TNT). Since then, it is available for replay on the dedicated website.
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point 12 January 2023 : Interview conducted by Laurent de Saint Périer, journalist. An article concerning the Neolithic settlement of the site of Nabta Playa in Upper Egypt and the astronomical orientation of the megalithic structures that it houses was published in the magazine Jeune Afrique. Its title : « Nabta Playa : le plus ancien observatoire astronomique au monde est africain »
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point June 2020 : Publication of an article entitled « From Egyptian ArchaeoAstronomy to Digital PhotoGraphism. Decoding and encoding information using appropriate algorithms » within the Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie n°24/25. This article is available for download in the AstroEgypto section.
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point May 15, 2019 : Publication of an article entitled « Deux artistes exposent à la galerie Dominique C » in the Dépêche du Midi, prior to the opening of the exhibition called « PhotoGraphisme : Regards Croisés » conceived by Monique Samson and Karine Gadré and organized at the Galerie Dominique C. of the Château d'Auriac sur Vendinelle, Occitania, southern France.
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point May 15, 2019 : Publication of a booklet entitled « PhotoGraphisme : un nouveau langage artistique », gathering the works of art and the photographs conceived by Monique Samson and Karine Gadré and exhibited at the Galerie Dominique C. of the Château d'Auriac sur Vendinelle, Occitania, southern France.
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point August 3, 2017 : Interview conducted by Florian Moutafian, journalist at La Voix du Midi. The article, published within the edition of August 10, 2017 (page 8), retraces my professional carrer and focuses on the sales activity of postcards launched two months earlier. These original postcards were designed on the basis of photographs taken in the Lauragais. They are available for sale in the geographical area surrounding the city of Revel, Occitania, southern France, as well as on this Website.
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point October 2015 : Publication of an article entitled « Préalable à l'identification des décans égyptiens : constitution d'une base de données archéologiques » within the Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie n°19/20. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point October 31, 2013 : Interview conducted by Caroline Tancrède, journalist, about the megalithic site of Nabta-Playa in Upper Egypt. The article entitled « L'ancêtre des calendriers de pierre » appeared within the special issue n° 177 of the journal Sciences & Avenir dedicated to the Knowledge of the lost civilizations.
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point February 24, 2012 : Interview conducted by Pedro Lima, a freelance journalist, for the purposes of an article dedicated to Paleolithic astronomy. This article appeared in Les Cahiers de Science & Vie n° 129.
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point February 20, 2012 : Interview conducted by Yoanna Sultan-R'bibo, a freelance journalist, for the purposes of an article dedicated to Mesopotamian astronomy, in comparison with Egyptian astronomy. This article appeared in Les Cahiers de Science & Vie n° 129.
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point November 29, 2011 : Interview conducted by Frédérique Josse, a journalist for the National Geographic Magazine, on the occasion of the publication of the book « Cap sur les Pôles » coordinated by Frédérique Rémy, CNRS Research Director at LEGOS, OMP. Interview to be published in the December 2011 edition of the National Geographic Magazine.
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point November 24, 2011 : Contribution to the writing of the book « Cap sur les Pôles » coordinated by Frédérique Rémy, CNRS Research Director at LEGOS, OMP. Publication by Omniscience. Answer to the question: « When was Man aware of the poles? ».
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point October 2011 : Publication of an article entitled « Developing ArchaeoAstronomy and Space Archaeology in the XXIth century » within the journal i-Medjat n°7. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point June 2011 : Publication of an article entitled « Introduction aux méthodes de l'archéoastronomie. Seconde partie : Application à la détermination de la source astronomique d'orientation de divers édifices égyptiens » in the Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie n°15. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point February 2011 : Publication of an article entitled « ArchaeoAstronomy and Space Archaeology : a link between » in the journal i-Medjat n°6. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point December 2009 : Publication of an article entitled « Astronomical dating proposals of the ancient Egyptian stellar clocks » in the journal Revista de la Sociedad Urugaya de Egiptologia n°26. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point November 4, 2009: Interview conducted by Fabrice Nicot for the need of an article devoted to the orientation of the old Egyptian monuments. This article entitled « When the Egyptians spoke to the stars » was published in Science & Vie Junior n°244 (January 2010).
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point June 12, 2009: Participation in the radio program « Neurons in madness » led by Daniel Borderies and broadcast on the Radio Mon Païs. This cultural program brought together a few of the actors of the event entitled « Egypt, Land of Science » organized at the Musée Georges Labit by the City of Toulouse.
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point June 1, 2009: Recording of a video clip dedicated to the European Solar Rally Phébus. This clip was made by the D-Prod company and boadcast on the TV channel France 2 on July the 10th, 2009. This clip is now available on the Vimeo platform.
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point March 3, 2009: Video recording of the conference entitled « Egyptian Archaeoastronomy. The sky of Pharaoh » given within the context of the Major Seminars of the Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse, France. This video is available on the YouTube channel of the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées.
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point February 2009 : Publication of the electronic version of the manuscript of my doctoral thesis prepared at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT) under the direction of Sylvie Roques, CNRS Research Director and Director of the LATT. The document entitled « Conceiving a model of star visibility to the naked eye. Application to the identification of the Egyptian decanal stars » is available for consultation on the online thesis server TEL.
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point January 23, 2009: Interview on the topic of Egyptian astronomy conducted by a radio journalist at Nantes. This interview preceded a conference entitled « Archéoastronomie égyptienne : les étoiles de Pharaon » hosted by the Société d'Astronomie de Nantes.
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point January 23, 2009: Interview conducted by Xavier Müller for the purposes of an article dealing with the measurement of time in ancient Egypt. This article entitled « Astronomy: when the sky marked the hours » was published in Les Cahiers de Science & Vie n°110 (April-May 2009).
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point December 2008 : Publication of an article entitled « L'année civile égyptienne et les horloges stellaires » in the journal Revista de la Sociedad Urugaya de Egiptologia n°25. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point November 21, 2008: Participation in a round-table entitled « Pre-Copernican representations of the universe « and chaired by Loïc Mangin, associate editor of the magazine Pour la Science. Fourth History of Science and Technology Show organised by Jean Rosmorduc, vice president of the Association Science, Technologie, Société, Ivry-sur-Seine (94).
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point June 2008 : Publication of an article entitled « Introduction aux méthodes de l'archéoastronomie. Première partie : Application à l'identification des décans égyptiens » in the journal i-Medjat n°1. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point June 2008: Interview conducted by Coralie Hancock for the purpose of an article dedicated to the astronomical orientation of the pyramids of Egypt. This article entitled « Knowledge carried by the Nile » was published in Les Cahiers de Science & Vie n°106 (September 2008).
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point May 21, 2008: Defense of my doctoral thesis at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes. The slide show is available for download here. Further details about my Ph.D ...
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point February 12, 2008: Interview on the topic of Egyptian astronomy conducted by Pascal Massiot, JetFM radio journalist, Nantes. This interview conducted at the Centre François Viète of History of Science and Technology in Nantes can be downloaded here.
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point March 2008 : Publication of an article entitled « Catalogue d'étoiles peuplant le ciel méridional de l'Egypte ancienne » in the Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie n°11. This article is available on download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point February 6, 2008: Video recording of the conference entitled « Introduction to the methods of Archaeoastronomy. Application to Ancient Egypt » given as part of the Seminars of the Bureau des Longitudes, Paris. The audio recording of the conference is available for download on the website of Radio Canal Académie. This conference was followed by an interview for a story that was broadcasted on France Televisions.
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point 2007 : Soumission for publication of an article intitled « Préalable à l'identification des décans égyptiens. Constitution d'une base de données archéologiques » within the journal Göttingen Miszellen. This article, finally published in the Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie n°19/20, is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point December 9, 2005: Publication of the 2006 Calendar entitled « From Atum to Hubble: trip into the cosmos between past and present », in partnership with the association Les Chemins Buissonniers.
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point June 2005 : Publication of an article entitled « Détail du projet de constitution, à l'échelle internationale, d'un réseau de chercheurs en Astro-Egyptologie », in the Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie n°7/8, pages 5-14. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point March 2004 : Publication of an article entitled « Le lever héliaque de Sirius, source de datation historique » in the Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie n°6, pages 5-25. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point July 2003: Interview conducted by Leila Haddad for the needs of a dossier devoted to ancient Egyptian astronomy. This dossier entitled « We cracked the sky of the Egyptians » was published in Ciel & Espace n°398. It is available on download here.
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point March 2002 : Publication of an article entitled « Evolution de l'imagerie céleste égyptienne au cours de la Période Dynastique » in the journal Toutankhamon Magazine n°3.
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point January 2002 : Publication of an article entitled « Le lever du Soleil sur la Terre d'Egypte : une recréation au quotidien » in the journal African Skies / Cieux Africains n°6. This article is available for download within the AstroEgypto section.
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point October 1998 : Publication of a book entitled « La signification astronomique des pyramides d'Egypte. L'ordre céleste recréé », La Maison de Vie Editions. ISBN : 2 909 816 29 X. More details ...
RMC Story

Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie

Catalogue d'Exposition

Sciences & Avenir Hors série n°177

Les Cahiers de Science & Vie n°129

Cap sur les Pôles

Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie

Rallye Solaire Phébus

Grand Séminaire de l'OMP

Soutenance de thèse

Les Cahiers de Science & Vie n°106

Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie

Celendrier 2006

Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie

Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie

Ciel & Espace n°398