The privacy of your personal details
The privacy of your personal details
The Culture Diff' company undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of your personal data, carried out via the portal, comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD) established on 25 May 2018 and the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978.
Each of the forms on the Culture Diff' website limits the collection of your personal data to the strict necessary and specifies in particular :
- the type of personal data collected :
- name, first name, postal address,
- and/or electronic address,
- the purpose of collecting these data:
- collection of your e-mail address required for your registration on the mailing list of the website
- collection of your name, first name, postal and electronic addresses required for the online payment of articles (books, softwares, postcards, etc.) marketed on the website
- collection of your e-mail address necessary to access the user interface of the Culture Diff' softwares,
- the obligation to collect these data to best meet your request:
- keep informed of the evolution of the website
- proceed to the payment of items sold on the website
- access the interface of the softwares made available to you.
- the use of your data by the Culture Diff' company:
- your personal details are then inserted into the mailing list and/or the customer file of the Culture Diff' company whose access is strictly reserved to the director, Karine Gadré.
- your personal details are kept securely for the sole purpose of keeping you informed of the evolution of the website
- your personal details are under no circumstances passed on to any third party.
In accordance with the Law Data Protection of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete any of your personal details. You can exercise this right in several ways:
- by contacting by e-mail Karine Gadré, Culture Diff' company-head
- by sending a letter to the following address: Culture Diff' - 2 Rue du Pastel - 31250 Revel - France
In addition to this, your navigation on the Culture Diff' website requires the activation of the Cookies option of your browser in two cases:
- when you wish to purchase one or more products (astronomy software, paper journal, etc.) : the reference of each item is then stored on your personal computer as a cookie (a small text file), so that your shopping cart will fill correctly ;
- when you access the Culture Diff' Client Area : your access code is provided as a cookie on your computer, so that your browser is personalized.
The inactivation of the Cookies option of your browser would therefore result in the inability to make any online purchase of any product and the inability to access the Client area. By authorizing the creation of cookies on your computer, you will enjoy these features. The Culture Diff' Cookies have a life span not exceeding 24 hours. Beyond that, they are automatically destroyed.
The usage statistics of the Culture Diff' website do not reveal your IP address. They simply prepare the temporal record of connections made from such provider ( ...), using such a browser (Firefox, ...), from this url (, ...), in the descending order of the number of visits. These data are stored on the server of the Culture Diff' website for a period of one year to learn about their evolution.
For information, is hosted on one of the servers of the O2switch company, 222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert - 63000 Clermont-Ferrand - France.
For any question concerning the application of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy and the Law Data Protection, please contact the Culture Diff 'company.